Friday 16 November 2012

Black Rock Collective vol. 1 and 2

vol.1 (SOLD OUT on the main site!)
vol. 2

"I hear you asking, "What is this I see before me? Playing cards, or 54 little pieces of art?" 

Well, it's both!

This absolutely desirable deck was lovingly created by 36 artists of the Black Rock Collective.

A rather crass yet brilliant Australian member had the idea of doing a card deck - a perfect medium to utilise the BRC's mish mash of styles and techniques. One of the New Zealand members ran with this idea (such is the way down there in the Antipodes) and 'by crikey', here it is.

The result of hours of doodling, squabbling, and sanding every card by hand has produced this diverse and beautiful card deck. It feels amazing, and deserves to be fondled as much as possible.
We hope you enjoy it." -Black Rock Collective

vol. 1: SGD45/-
vol. 2: SGD35/-
Both vol. 1 and vol. 2: SGD75/- 

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